Background: Adolescents with ASD may encounter difficulties such as social difficulties, communication difficulties and emotional sensitivity during the transition to adolescence.Especially the onset of the menstrual cycle, which begins with the transition to adolescence, involves new skills and information that adolescents with ASD need to learn. However, many of these challenges and experiences faced by autistic adolescents can be changed.
Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of menstrual hygiene skills training given to adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on their menstrual hygiene skills.
Methods: The study was conducted with 15 adolescents diagnosed with ASD in a single group pre-test and post-test type in three private educational institutions in Istanbul and Muğla provinces. Data were collected with the “Adolescent and Parent Introductory Information Form” and the “Adolescent-Specific Menstrual Hygiene Skill Record Form”. The training was given to adolescents for half an hour three days a week. Descriptive statistics in the study included the mean and standard deviation for continuous variables; For categorical variables, it was calculated as number and percentage. The number before and after training was calculated as a percentage and analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Results: The average age of the adolescents was 16.6±0.8, and the average age of the adults responsible for the adolescent’s care was 43.66±5.56. While 60% of the adolescents noticed the beginning of bleeding before the training, this rate was found to be 93.3% after the training. A statistically significant increase was found in the application steps of the Adolescent-Specific Menstrual Hygiene Skill Record Form after the training. The difference between the menstrual hygiene skill scores of adolescents diagnosed with ASD before and after the training was significant.
Conclusion: The menstrual hygiene skills training given to adolescents with ASD was beneficial in increasing their menstrual hygiene skills. It is important for these individuals to assume responsibility during the menstrual period and manage their ongoing care activities on their own.
Keywords: Autism, Adolescent, Menstruation, Hygiene, Training