Backgraund: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and is the second leading cause of death among cancers. Breast cancer can cause various health problems with treatment options such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Although the problems experienced by the patients differ according to the treatment stages, “anxiety” is a symptom experienced at every stage. The use of virtual reality applications is rapidly becoming widespread in care and treatment services.
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of radiotherapy on the anxiety level of breast cancer patients in different environment perception with virtual reality glasses.
Methods: The sample of the study, which is of experimental type, will consist of 100 patients who received radiotherapy in the Radiation Oncology Clinic of the University Medical Faculty Hospital and met the acceptance criteria. Experimental and control groups will be formed randomly in the study. Data were colected by using Beck anxiety scale, distress thermometer, linear satisfaction scale and individual characteristics questionnaire developed by the researchers before radiotherapy, in the middle, at the end of the treatment process and after three months While the patients in the intervention group used virtual reality glasses during RT sessions, the control group completed the standard treatment process at the hospital. Data were analyzed using t-tests, analysis of variance, correlation, and regression tests.
Results: This study showed that there was no change in the anxiety, comfort and distress scores of the control group patients after RT. In the intervention group, it was found that the anxiety level decreased significantly at the end of the RT sessions. It was determined that stress levels were significantly different from the control group. It was also found that as the level of education increased, the level of anxiety decreased. It was observed that the women’s comfort levels after RT treatment were significantly higher than the control group.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, satisfaction with the VR application was determined to be above average. The experience of being in a different environment with virtual reality glasses during RT; It was found that it reduced patients’ anxiety and distress and increased their comfort level and satisfaction.This method can be used in practice as a solution option for different situations in which individuals experience anxiety. The development of individualized and clinic-based virtual modules is a long-term goal of this pilot study.
Keywords: Virtual reality, anxiety, radiotherapy, breast cancer